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"What the Students say!

Below are examples of four clubs that Arrow Vale have on offer here. They have their own welcoming communities and are all run by amazing teachers and students. There are so many other clubs that I haven’t mentioned, including the sports clubs.

Overall, AV has a club for everyone. Not only can you add them to a CV, making you stand out, but you can meet new people and sharpen your skills. You don’t even have to stick with a club if you don’t like it. Go ahead and try as many as you want!

Written by Kristopher Beasley.

Evil Genius

This club is all about examining famous figures in history and deciding if they are (as the name implies) evil or genius are even somewhere in between. Part debate, part info dump. This club is held on a Monday lunchtime in HU6. We’ve already covered Winston Churchill and Walt Disney, so drop by before we have all the fun!


Photoshop Practice:

This club allows you to come down to IT1 of a Monday afterschool, even if you aren’t taking Creative I Media, to have some fun with Photoshop. Wither you’re doing coursework or adding dinosaurs and bridges into a desert, you’re welcome down here where you can get help to improve your skills. But remember, with great photoshop skills come great responsibility.


Books, Blather and Biscuits:

This is our local gathering spot (E4 on a Wednesday lunchtime) for all of our readers who want to share some of their favourite books or even get new recommendations to add to the already long reading list. Make sure to drop by so you can indulge in our organised chaos. We also have biscuits, tea and hot chocolate if you show up regularly.


LGBTQ+ Drop in:

Held in B1 on a Thursday lunchtime, this club is all chill for LGBTQ+ members and allies. Feel free to add a song to the play order or bring in a card, board, or trivia game you’d want to play.


Contact Us

Arrow Vale High School
Matchborough Way
B98 0GF

01527 526800