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Exams are an unavoidable part of high school life.  They occur at various points throughout the year, with most taking place during May, June and July and students will receive individual timetables.  We all want students to feel fully prepared and as confident as possible about their exams.

What can you do:

  • Know when your child's exams are taking place.
  • Help your child to produce a revision schedule which has a balance of revision and leisure time.
  • Ask your child's teachers, or the relevant subject leader, for guidance and revision resources.
  • Ask your child if you can help with testing them, asking questions, reviewing practice answers etc.

Qualification entry fees cost the school an increasing amount of money (totals in excess of £200 per student).  These entries are made on the understanding that the students will complete the courses.  The date and time of the examinations and submission of coursework deadlines will be issued to the candidates.  Parents support is needed to guarantee that your child will attend the examination at the required time and complete the necessary coursework.  If they fail to do this, the school must be reimbursed for the full cost of the fees paid.  Exceptions are made for illness where a doctor's certificate/letter is provided, and the school is notified at the time of the examination or in advance. 


Contact Us

Arrow Vale High School
Matchborough Way
B98 0GF

01527 526800